Today was our last full day in Nicaragua. It was such a bittersweet feeling- sweet to get to go home the great US of A- back home to friends and family. Bitter because tomorrow we won’t be going to a village and feeding people who may not have eaten this week. None of us will ever look at our world the same.
We went into Pascuala today and helped build the 18th home there for the people of the village. Kids were slinging paint on the wall, adults jumped in to help and it was finished before lunch. We played soccer with the kids, loved on them and before we left were able to share Christ with them. It is an incredibly exciting thing to lift high the banner of Jesus Christ in another part of the world and to share the name of Jesus knowing that His word will not return void and knowing He is continuing to draw those people to Him long after we leave.
While on group was in Pascuala another group was at the training center planting crops they had developed for the past two weeks and finishing the irrigation system that will help them to grow quickly. Some of the local school kids came to over to help and were able to learn the system and how it works. A small but very significant step in helping the Nicaraguan people grow food in their villages and ending hunger for their families.
This afternoon we headed out to Ojoche. The people in Ojoche were precious and it was such a blessing to us to love on them and serve. They have started to implement small steps in raising their own chickens and being self supportive. They have a strong dynamic leader who cares for them and the difference in that village and some of the others we visited was night and day. There was no trash on the ground- it was all in a trash can. Some of the ladies had pottery sitting out that they sell at the village. They had a system in place for beating beans where the chaff falls away and the bean is left for them to use for food. The chaff is then used for compost. A nurse came with us and helped with medical needs and left bags of medicine for the people to have on hand. It was a blessing to see the hope that is to come for all the villages in Nicaragua.
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.”
To God be the Glory


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018