Revelation 17:14

English Standard Version (ESV)

14 They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.”

     I need to start this letter by simply apologizing to all for complaining a little about being tired.  I’m preaching through Isa. 53 on the radio in the mornings and when I look at all the suffering JESUS endured for me it literally  broke my heart to think that I could complain just a little.  I want to be found in the faithful, I know I’m call and I know that I’m chosen but sometimes I’m not as faithful as I could be.
     Another great day of service here at the training center and out in the field.  It seems that when we have one small victory here at the training center there are two defeats that slow us down.  We took a load of squash to the market to sell and no one had a clue what squash was or what to do with it.  Lesson learned, research the local market and see what sells and is needed.  We did manufacture 300 lbs of chicken feed from products grown here and added a little protein and vitamins which means we will save about $100.00 a month on our feed bill.
     This afternoon we went to La Ceibita (New Village) with the Dr and a load of food.  Words really can’t describe the excitement and joy experienced by the mission team and the locals when the big trucks rolls in. These children had never experienced the water melon eating contest, water balloon toss or had their finger nails polished.  Even more impressive is the fact that many had never heard the GOSPEL MESSAGE until today.  What makes all that exciting is that a large number of men, women,  boys and girls prayed to receive CHRIST.  With all the fun we have engaging the village nothing can top KINGDOM BUILDING.    IHL, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018