“I raise my eyes towards the mountains. Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121-1-2 CEB)
Our Nica News includes both Friday and Saturday as yesterday was a full day. We started Friday at the radio station with Barbara and Becky giving their testimony and Owen presenting a message. We returned to Pascuala to paint another house and to clean trash along with the villagers of the main street. After lunch, we went to Santa Teresa where we engaged with the villages, fixed them a meal, and distributed Manna Fest bags. Once we returned to the Casa, we traveled to Corinto on the coast to watch the sun set into the Pacific.
Today we slept in a little later and then went to the village of El Portillo in the mountains. We held a worship service where Owen preached and Donald brought the invitation and called for a decision to follow Jesus. The children had “Crafts with Carla” and the interpreters engaged the children in song. We left food to be distributed by the pastor. This afternoon we traveled to San Francisco where we once again engaged with the villagers, prepared a meal, and distributed food.
Before we close, we would like to say something about the age of our group. Eight of us came from North Carolina and East Tennessee. We range in age from 60 to 73. We are telling you this because we want you to know that age does not matter in this ministry. There has been much for us to do, and we have managed the tasks handily. God can use all of us to meet needs both at home and in Nicaragua.