After a 20 hour day of travel, we woke up to four more hours on the road. Finally arriving at the Casa de Shelly, we unpacked and got settled in. After getting all the medical supplies ready, we then traveled to a village called Cofradia, one of the most unhealthy, poorest villages we will go to this week. On the way we had to travel past the local dump. Seeing these kids pick up trash really opened our eyes to the poverty level that they are in. The people lining up to the medical team all had sickness due to the fact that they lived behind the dump. It warmed our hearts to see the children’s faces light up when we shared the love of Christ with them. Playing games and making crafts with the children not only made them smile, but made us smile too. The medical team worked long and hard helping the families. Some mothers brought not only their children but any of the needed. We saw many children today but one was in very bad condition. Because of her situation we didn’t have all the needed supplies to help her, but by God’s amazing help we were able to restore hydration in her body and control her blood pressure and stabilize her. This day has been long and hot but making people smile and sharing the love of Jesus Christ made this day well worth the travels. We pray that today was just a start to an amazing week. Knowing that we get to do this everyday will make it that much easier to wake up in the morning, and that much harder leave at the end. The real question is what if we hadn’t been there, to help the weak, to bring hope to the strong, and to love every one of them.