Another amazing day of experiencing God’s blessing here in Somotillo! We started early today and DJ (a fine 19 year old young man) led us in morning devotions – Corinthians 15: 57-58. As we are winding down the week (and honestly as it begins to wear us down as well), his choice hit many of us where we are and encouraged us, just as Paul meant to encourage the church in Corinth. “Therefore my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain” (v 58).
After breakfast half of the group went to Radio Pracipe de Paz (Prince of Peace), where 5 of us shared our testimony over the radio. This was broadcast into three countries. We are prayerful that someone was touched and made the first or next step towards Christ through this broadcast. We then returned, picked up the rest of the team and went to the special needs school, where we sang songs for and with them, colored and just spent some time interacting, and encouraging them as they prepare to compete in the Special Olympics in ten days.
We then stopped at the Somotillo Hospital to pray with Marta, a young woman from Pasquala who we learned earlier in the week needed an emergency appendicitis and didn’t have the money to afford it. Within a few hours God made a way for Marta to get that money and we are praying for her successful surgery later this week.
This afternoon, we drove out to the village of San Francisco to engage with the people there and cook and feed them a meal. Like every other village, the people are so friendly and the children are eager to just play and have fun. With a storm rolling in, we wrapped up quickly and headed back to Casa de Shelly. This was our last village visit of the week, and looking around the truck there was a similar look on many faces. It was a somber and contemplative look. We have seen and shared so much here this week. Amongst the lows of seeing abject poverty, suffering and many people spiritually lost, we have had joyful moments with the Nicaraguans we interacted with here, as well as our mission team. We’ve laughed, cried and done everything in-between as we have grown closer as a Christian family – working together to be the hand and feet of Jesus. There is so much to do and so many people in need that it seems overwhelming at times. Which brings me back to the devotion this morning and the comforting knowledge that if we are being obedient to God, our work for him is not in vain.