Hola amigos! Today was our last day of service here in Nicaragua! And it was also Daniel’s birthday! Our day started with a devotional by Zach which was out of Matthew 25:31-40. Zach reminded us that we are compelled to share the gospel in all places and with all people, even when it may seem unsafe and even if the people may not seem loveable. This was an excellent reminder for our team because we visited the jail in Somotillo later in the morning.
After another delicious breakfast we started our day of work again on the farm. Once again today we were clearing a field by picking up hay and burning it. After we finished working in the field we went to the jail in Somotillo. It was an awesome opportunity to remind the prisoners that no matter what wrong they had done in the past God still loves them. We were also able to give them a meal, soap, and other supplies to help clean up. Please be praying for the men in the jail and the opportunities Because We Care will have to minister and love them in the future.
After leaving the jail we returned to Casa de Shelly for lunch and then headed out to San Antonio. Yesterday a small boy from a nearby village called San Antonio came to Casa de Shelly asking for some food for his family. Donald decided that because of this today we would go bring some food and spend some time with the people there this afternoon.
Some highlights from San Antonio include that Rob was able to interactively share the gospel with a group of boys with the “gospel bracelets” we made before we left the United States. Rob and Jesse also asked the group if they would be willing to give a bracelet and tell the gospel to someone else. Three of the oldest boys in the group agreed! Additionally Danielle and Zach we able to paint many nails for the village girls. Ryan, Rob and Jesse served food to the village and all of the food was eaten, everyone was able to get at least one bowl of food. We are very thankful that God is constantly giving us guidance about who and how we can serve, it is a pleasure to know that San Antonio was well fed today.
Additionally, on the trip home from the village we passed out more clothes and candy. We even passed a bus and were able to throw some items to the people on the bus. Upon returning to Casa de Shelly we all went to visit the clinic. While there we toured the facility and talked with the doctor and Pastor Diomedes. They were able to tell us some of the history about the clinic, how it was built, how it is being used and also about how much it is needed in this community. It is exciting to hear about how God has provided for Because We Care and how He continues to give them more and more opportunities to serve.
This evening we celebrated Daniel’s birthday! Casa de Shelly was decorated with balloons and we all played “pin the tail on the donkey”. The kitchen staff also made Daniel a delicious chocolate-coconut cake which we got to enjoy as part of our dinner.
As tonight is our last night in Nicaragua it is sure to be a time of reflection about all that has happened this week. Please continue to pray for Aletheia College Park, Because We Care and for our trip home to Maryland tomorrow. Thanks!