Good morning and Blessing to all……..Pam and I would also like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
There is never a GOOD time of the year to begin a "fund raising" campaign and I’m sure the month of December is probably the worst. Please know that Pam and I have spent a lot of time in prayer before we headed down this road. A couple years ago we purchased a used 26 passenger bus to carry our teams from Managua to Somotillo. This year alone we have had 2 blown motors and had to replace the turbo charger in October. After much prayer we decided to sell "big Bird" and proceed to purchase a new bus. In mid October Roberto found a buyer and big bird is no longer our lemon. We sold the bus for $20,000.00 and immediately put that money down on a new bus. The cost of the new bus is $48,900.00 which leaves us with a $28,900.00 deficit. We are asking all our partners to please pray about helping BWCM to complete this purchase. Our next team will arrive in Managua on 12/27/2014 and we are praying that we will have the new bus available.
Please pray and partner with us to make this happen and to GOD be the Glory.
1 Samuel 12:24
Only fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.