This morning the whole team went to El Puma village. The men loaded a truck of sand for the house they are working on for Michael. They broke up into two groups. While one group of men would shovel the sand into buckets. The other would take the buckets and carry them up the bank of the river to load the truck. Once arriving to the house site the men continued to help dig the footers for the house.
The women visited the outdoor school in El Puma. They did skits, sang songs, and handed out visors /masks for the children. We were able to hand out pillow case dresses and T-shirts to the girls and boys. All the girls loved them so they put the dresses on and all the women got to see them and take pictures of them.
In the afternoon we went to the village Cayanlipe and witnessed the most children seen by the doctor Don and Pam have ever seen at one time in 16 years of ministry! 88 in total! We also were blessed to see a number of adults receive Christ as we shared the Gospel. How blessed! Many of the kids gathered today in the village once we all arrived. The children made the men look silly while we tried to keep up with them in basketball and soccer. While the women painted fingernails, jumped rope, blew bubbles, and braided the little girls hair. During the time we were there we were able to feed the village.