For whom so much is given the same is much required….when I awoke this morning my home town, Gatlinburg Tn literally was on fire. The home/motel that I was raised in, we are not sure if its even still standing. In talking to my sister and Aunt from Gatlinburg, our family is all evacuated and safe. I have been watching TV stations from Knoxville, and understand this fire is huge and effects thousands of people. Tomorrow beginning at noon I will have a truck located at the Seventh Day Adventist Church on 460 east Bonsack area collecting supplies to support the First Responders that are fighting this great tragedy. The TV station requested the following items for the First Responders: Gatorade, protein bars, hight calorie candy and candy bars, work gloves, Chapstick, sanitized wipes, nonperishable snack items.
Please lift these First Responders up in prayer as the majority of them have been fighting fires in other areas for days!
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of heaven. His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1