Proverbs 11:25 (ESV)
Whoever brings blessing will be enriched,
and one who waters will himself be watered.
In just a few more weeks Because We Care Ministry will have a team in Somotillo Nicaragua preparing FOOD BAGS to be given out during the Christmas season. We need your prayers and support to feed hundreds of families in the Somotillo area. With a donation of $10.00 we can feed a family of 6 for a week. BWCM has been blessed so much this year that we will increase the food in each bag to provide enough food for at least 2 weeks. Please pray about getting you church or family involved in this feeding program.
Please pray for this opportunity and as GOD leads you can go to our web site ( and donate or you can send donations to BWCM, PO Box 14132, Roanoke VA 24038
Thank you for your PRAYERS and SUPPORT, Donald and Pamela