Nica News 5/10

      Blessings from a rainy and stormy Somotillo…..Hard to say anything bad about the rains since the country needs rain so desperately.  It’s  been months since we have had significant rain thus many of the hand dug wells are dry and families are really struggling to meet their daily water needs.  Unfortunately a lot of people are getting water from the rivers and we know that’s not very good water with animals up stream.
     Happy to report that all our pastors showed up for class and we actually had 2 guest.  I wish I could explain to all what it is like teaching these men.  I have never been with men of God so hungry to learn and understand the Bible and the things of GOD.  For instance, today we spent almost 2 hours discussing Acts 2 and didn’t get close to explaining everything the guys wanted to discuss.  These guys surely cause ME to spend a lot of time in prayer to make sure of our direction in teaching and mentoring.
     This afternoon we ventured into Honduras to see what we would face as we cross the border and begin our Northern work.  Pretty simple, it only cost $34.00 for Pam and I to cross the border into Honduras and then travel back to Nicaragua.  We have also been given our itinerary for 5/27-31 which I will give to you so that you might join us in prayer.

5/27…we will travel from Guaymaca City, meeting on the 28th @ Good Samaritan Church with 40-50 pastors and leaders, leaving that afternoon for Tegucigalpa to visit a church and leader then spend the night.

5/29 we will leave Tegucigalpa for Choluteca, later that day we meet with Pastor Rene Soza

5/30 we will have a Pastor and Leader Conference in Choluteca with another 50 Leaders.

5/31 we leave Choluteca for Maria Concepcion for another leaders conference and lunch with another 50 leaders.  We will travel that afternoon to El Triumfo for a conference with Pastors and Wives’,  we will then travel back to Somotillo.

Thank you for your prayers and support, IHL, Donald and Pammie

r and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 5/9

      Blessings from Casa De Shelly…..At 7:30 AM as I’m walking around the farm I saw one of our pastors walking towards the training center more than 11/2 hours before class was suppose to start.  I stopped what I was doing and thinking to simply remember what these men go through each day to come here and allow us to teach them.  Knowing their day and sacrifices is very humbling, I’ll introduce these men to you and share their lives with you in the future.  Getting to know these men in a personnel way has truly been a highlight of our service here in Nicaragua.
     This afternoon Pam and I had the opportunity to take three of these men home, by doing so we got them home several hours earlier than the bus.  Only one of the three had to walk any distance,  so we made their day a little easier.  Would you work really hard to make someone’s day a little easier?  IHL, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – 5-4

      It’s those little things that count the most.  Most of you are aware of the feeding program that we carry out in Nicaragua, for the past several months we have been cooking a chicken stew in the villages we visit and serving a hot meal to everyone.  Over the months we have seen just about anything you can imagine being used as bowls.  This past week members of our team from Canada brought Frisbee’s for the kids to play with.  Needless to say at the end of the day they became plates for their food.  I think the the most disturbing  for me was watching a mother empty her little plastic medicine bags to put food in and take home.  With that said  Pam and I began to look at things we use on a daily bases that could be used for food bowls in Nicaragua.
     SO, I’m asking you to look at how you can collect these items or anything similar through Life Groups, Sunday School, ball teams, church, civic group, family and friends.  When you have collected your bowls just send us an e-mail and we will pick them up and get them to Nicaragua.  Be Blessed and have a great day…..IHL, Donald and Pammie
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 5/3

      In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us to feed the poor and give drink to the thirsty. He says that what we do for the least of his people we do for him.   Many nights as I pillow my head I often think about this passage of scripture.  I’m very grateful for the opportunities God has given BWCM to be a small part of the Kingdom Building that is going on in Nicaragua.  I’m equally thankful for the provisions that we have been given to share with the people of Nicaragua.  Almost daily we have people journey to Casa De Shelly begging for food for their families.  There is no simple answer to the needs of the poor and hungry of Nicaragua and many other countries. 

     With that said I would like to share with you an opportunity that GOD has provided BWCM.  We have been offered the chance to purchase 1/2 of a shipping container of food for $3200.00.  This would provide around 125,000 meals to the hungry of Somotillo and meet our feeding program needs for several months.  With that said,  I’m looking for partners to help us with this purchase.  The logistics are in place, we only need the funds to make the purchase.  You can go on line to our web site {WWW.BWCM.ORG} and give on line or simply mail a check to P.O. Box 21806, Roanoke, Va. 24018.  Please pray about what God would have you do and lets make this happen.  IHL, Donald and Pammie


Nica News -4-29

Traveling to Managua today gave me several hours to reflect on an amazing week of Ministry. Thankful for the student leaders and members of FBC Roanoke for their investment into student ministry. We discovered that SMALL GROUPS are the most affective way to share the GOSPEL. A team of 24 leaders and students every single person shared their testimony and the GOSPEL during this week. My prayer is that they return home with the same excitement that was displayed this week and I truly believe that they will.
I will say with out any hesitation that this team is returning home with MORE than they left. IHL, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 4/27

After an early breakfast and devotions to start our morning, we began our 4 plus mile hike up to the small village of Cacao.  Eleven villagers came down to meet us with 5 horses that we packed down with food, water and supplies and in the 115 degree weather we made it to the top!!! 
The hike was strenuous at times but offered beautiful vistas and a time of testing of our endurance—-something our morning devotion was on.  We were greeted very affectionately by the villagers and people from as far away as 2 hours!  We fed 70 people, played baseball and interacted with the children.  We ended the afternoon with a church service where 3 youth shared their testimonies and several sang and played the keyboard. At least 1 person gave their life to Christ!  It was a wonderful afternoon of fellowship.  The trip back down the mountain again tested our endurance, but God is good and gives us the strength we need for today.
The 4 Canadians that have joined us on this trip have truly become family to us all.  We will miss them when we return to the states and they have added so much to this trip.  Fellowship with other nationalities is truly a blessing and a glimpse of what heaven will be like.


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

nica news 4/25/2011

Hola! This is LeeAnne Lower and Kendall Barger, from the Senior Sunday School class of First Baptist Church Roanoke. We’re part of the team down here this week. Today the team has once again seen God’s blessing. In the morning, some team members went to the radio to share their testimonies and sing “Mighty to Save” in Spanish. Before lunch, we cleaned up the farm, and Don says it’s the best it’s ever looked 🙂 We picked up trash and cleared rocks so they can mow the grass. Some Nica kids helped out and a couple members of the team were able to share the Gospel and explain the importance of taking care of the blessings God has given us.

After lunch we went to La Villa Esperanza, a village about thirty minutes away. Using our activities, (such as bubbles, baseball, soccer, coloring, origami, bracelets, stories, etc.) we shared the Gospel in small groups. For example, one team member shared the Gospel using a children’s storybook and a little girl accepted Jesus as her Savior. The impact of small group evangelism was exciting. We made them lunch and passed out rice and beans.

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 4/23-24

      Thankful today (Easter 2011) first that we serve a risen Savior and second that we get to serve HIM is Somotillo, Nicaragua.  Also very thankful that all our team finally arrived at Casa De Shelly safe and sound.
Four of our team members came in late last night from Canada and Ms Pam brought them in this morning. Most of this day has been spent in preparation for the week and even going to a village and cooking Easter Dinner for about 150 of my closest friends.
Yesterday as we traveled to Somotillo the bus decided to over heat which allowed us to spend over an hour on the side of the road.  Those on the bus decided to just chill and not sweat the small stuff.  What is most amazing about this time is that our driver (Reynaldo) one of the pastors that we have had in training for the past 3 months looked at me and said, “lets pray.”  Those that have been helping in the training school have put a lot of time into teaching about prayer.  I can honestly say today that at least one Pastor “GETS IT.”
Another God moment that I’d like to share is about a young boy that showed up 1 minute to late for the food.  Not sure that I have ever seen a more disappointed face.   We simply ask an older boy to share and much to my amazement he did.  I guess those in the villages are beginning to “GET IT.”   The down side is that the villagers are very hungry.  This was the first time that I didn’t have enough cooked food for everybody and it was very apparent that the village was hungry.
Pray for the team as we seek to do GOD’S will in this amazing country, IHL, Donald and Pammie 


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 4/16/2011

      Thursday morning as I stood outside Casa De Shelly and looked out over the farm and marveled at all that God had done there over the past 7 months Mama Maria came out to say good-bye.  I could sense something else was going on in her heart other than just saying good-bye.  She began to share how amazing it was to see all the pastors on their knees praying for each other.  Over the past 3 months we have been teaching these men about the importance of prayer and taught them the importance that Jesus put on prayer.  During the week we introduced the pastors to “Operation World” and led them in joining with other Christians around the world in praying for one specific people group.  Beginning today Mama Maria is receiving the e-mails from “Operation World” and calling the radio station where Pastor Santos will announce which people group to pray for that day.  So now, not only the pastors in Somotillo will be praying for certain people groups each day but they will be training their church families to listen to the radio at noon each day and join the world in pray for a particular people group.  Isn’t GOD amazing……
     Please pray for Pam and I as we will be returning to Nicaragua on Friday with a team of youth from FBC Roanoke.  IHL, Donald and Pammie

Nica News 4/12

As we sit on the back of the pickup truck talking strategy with Pastor Diomedes we watch the sun set on another beautiful day in Nicaragua. It has been another day in a beautiful country, filled with beautiful people, and talking about a beautiful Savior.  We spent the entire morning again with men of God who serve as pastors here in Nicaragua and in Honduras. I am challenged by these men every time we meet as I watch them gather in authentic community. They genuinely care for each other and you can see it as they greet each other and when they pray for each other through their tears. I long for the day when we can all experience this kind of community. After 3 months of training with the me men we are starting to build some great relationships.


I also continue to be amazed at how hungry they are for the word of God. Donald and I taught on the humanity of Christ and Christ’s role as priest. They more we talked, the more notes they took, the more questions they asked, and the more dialogue we engaged in. Then we spent the afternoon working our way through all of Isaiah 53. They are soaking up the word of God like sponges and they are excited about taking the truths that they are learning back to their people. Needless to say, they have plenty of sermon material for the next couple of weeks!


We spent the rest of the afternoon with Herman the pastor from Guasimal and Rodeo Grande. Yes, you read correctly. He is serving 2 churches and also reaching out to a village that is a 4 hour horseback ride up in the mountains called Cerro Colorado! He leads 6 services a week and has a heart to raise up leaders so that he can reach even more. Please join us in praying for the churches in Guasimal and Rodeo Grande. Pray for a new church start in Cerro Colorado. Pray from Herman and his wife Concepcion. Pray for the  multiplication of more leaders in these locations.


One last thing…as we were leaving Rodeo Grande we stopped to watch 3 men dig a well by hand. In that moment God put a bow on the whole day for me. We spent the morning talking about the deep truths of the incarnation on Christ. As I reflected upon all that we talked about in the morning, I stare down a 10 meter hole in the ground and watch as a man chips away at rocks as he stands in water and mud. At some point they will lower the rope and he will come up out of that pit. That is exactly what Christ has done for us. He willingly came down into our world, into our mud and mess, to remove our sins, and then God brought him back up and seated him at this right hand. Now God has sent us into places and into ministry that might be messy but that is how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world.


God give us the strength to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty and be his hands and feet today.
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018