We Covet your prayers in these areas of our ministry!
Pray for the great needs and ministries that are before us in Nicaragua. Pray also about what God would have you do! The following are a few of the pressing needs of BWCM.
Current Prayer Needs
- Direction for Living Water Ministry, if we should take over and continue to build relations in the villages that have wells but no churches.
- Directions for the Pastor’s training as well as teachers to step up to help.
- More churches to get involved and schedule trips
- Funding for Pam and I as we are both now full time with BWCM
Ongoing Prayer Needs
Church Construction
There are a number of churches in various stages of construction. Some are already being used, others are yet to be built. Pray for the volunteers and funding needed to help us with the different phases and projects before us in northern Nicaragua.
Leadership Training
Several times a year we pray for American pastors and teachers to commit themselves to a week of intense basic training for the pastors, their wives, and leaders in the north of Nicaragua. Topics are always carefully selected in order to meet the unique needs faced by the Nicaraguans as they seek to grow and share their faith. Additional preaching/teaching opportunities are always there during the evenings in local churches and early in the mornings in surrounding villages.
Mission Teams
All of the work we do in Nicaragua is done through the sacrificial help of volunteers who pay their own way. We are constantly seeking out believers who will respond to the Macedonian call to serve in Central America. Please pray that future partners will step forward to join us throughout the coming years.