Hola from Sunny Somotillo!  What a blessed Easter we had today.  Our day began with a sermon at the hotel – then off for the four hour, school bus ride, to Somotillo!   After lunch we went to Village of  Pascuala.  We were able to see the Housing Project in the works.  All I can say, (like Donald says)  is “When  God shows up HE shows off” – and boy has he shown off in this village!  It is amazing to see how far this village has come – from black plastic and cardboard houses to cement block, leak proof homes.  The families are grateful and are sure to know that these are blessings from our Heavenly Father.  We were able to share ice-cream with the village, share the “Good News”, and rice and beans.

This is not my first time on this adventure in Nicaragua.  However, there are several in this group who it is a first for.  It is refreshing to see the excitement in their eyes.  My hope is that they will carry AND SHARE this excitement with them for years to come.

One of my friends shared a prayer with me before leaving for this trip.  She prayed that our Heavenly Father would use my hands like the vine of a squash… one that travels and covers lots of ground.  I share this same prayer with our group… May we all be like a vine – spreading the good news and Jesus’ love to many.

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018