Hola, Buenos Dias/Buenas Tardes/Buenas Noches, (We are all now fluent in greetings)
We started the day with sharing a quick devotion. Since the radio station is down, we had our own little session of sharing our life stories with each other as well as a time of worship.Today we visited a special needs school called Sonrisas Felices. It turned out to be a lot fun and the kids were incredibly sweet. We shared the parable of the lost sheep and it was translated from English to Spanish to sign language. Each person at the school required a little bit of a different approach in order to communicate, but it was obvious that each one of them really enjoyed our being there. We went in with hopes of blessing them, and in return, they blessed us and we were happy to hang out with them for the morning.
Luke & Abi
Don and I went to Choluteca, Honduras Monday and Tuesday for pastor training. Almost thirty pastors and leaders from churches in the surrounding area attended for training in theology, Bible, preaching, leadership, and pastoral ministry. With the help of Domingo, our translator, we taught through the books of Galatians, and 1 & 2 Thessalonians. One of the highlights each day was hearing the sermons prepared by the local pastors. They are learning the importance of correctly interpreting the Biblical text, and then preparing sermons based on the text. To me, this has been the highlight of the trip. By working with the local pastors, Because We Care Ministries is ensuring that the communities and churches will be changed long after the mission teams have left. It has been exciting to see the change from last year to this year in the pastors. They are eager to learn, and their knowledge and skill is increasing. Please continue to pray for them. They have a hard life, and their job is not easy. But they are faithful in their calling.
Also, one more prayer request. We have one of our team members who is a little dehydrated today. Please pray for a quick recovery.
Pastor Mike Morris, Cornerstone Community Church