Hello from Casa de Shelly,
Today the Huddleston Team traveled from Managua to Somotillo. After quickly settling in at the casa and grabbing a delicious lunch, we headed out to the village of La Flor. There we engaged with the villagers with games of soccer, volleyball, monkey in the middle, and the fine art of fingernail painting. Once everyone was hot and sweaty, we took a break under a tree and told the story of Zacchaeus through an interactive skit. The children seemed to really enjoy the sight of Davie (a member of the team) climbing a tree. After an enjoyable skit, we shared the story of salvation and explained the power of God’s everlasting love. We wrapped up the visit with a tasty stew, and quick round of soccer. All together it was a very eventful and fulfilling day and we are all looking forward to what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow.