17 years ago I married my best friend. That same year we were given a copy of the EE-Taow story by New Tribes Mission. It’s an amazing story of how one village way back in the bush came to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. "EE-Taow" in their language means "It’s True". My new bride and I sat in our new little apartment with tears streaming down our faces as we watched the Gospel transform an entire village of people. In that moment we surrendered to be a couple that would be committed to missions in whatever way God called us. This past Saturday, August 10, my wife and I celebrated our 17 year wedding anniversary. It started at 4:00am to make the drive with our two oldest children to the airport with a mission team. Mission team? Yep… you got it… a mission team heading to Nicaragua with BWCM. Through the years we’ve been blessed to travel on numerous mission trips. Now, as our children grow in life we pray that they grow in their knowledge and experience in walking with Christ on His Mission.

Therefore, our two oldest (10 & 12) are with us on our wedding anniversary mission trip. Missions has become part of our parenting plan. Today on the mission field here in Nicaragua I had the privilege to shovel sand from a dry riverbed into a truck to be taken to the site of a new church plant. My wife, our two children, and several others from the mission team traveled to a school to minister to children.

Upon my return from the labor of "sand detail" I heard that my son shared the gospel with a group of children and some surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. As soon as he saw me he ran to tell me what God had done!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

To God be the glory! Make missions a part of your life…and for sure… make it a part of your parenting plan.