Another incredible day on the mission field! God continues to amaze us with his grace and goodness. Mike, Ben, and John continued to teach and train the local pastors from the Somotillo area during the morning. The rest of the team learned how hot it can get while doing hard work.
We began by taking a dump truck out to a place on the main road where the rain had washed the bank away the night before. Upon approaching the recent landslide our hearts began to sink as we felt the truck slow down. This was the beginning of our exposition to the Nica way of highway cleanup and debris removal. One of our translators, Roger, jumped out with several shovels, 5 gallon buckets, a pick and mattock, and a digging bar. We hauled two loads of dirt for leveling the floor at the community building we worked on yesterday.
After doing some grading work at the building site we loaded up and went back and had lunch. After lunch we went to the village of Los Jovitos and prepared food, played with the village children and had an opportunity to share the gospel. There were four men who flagged down two people walking around the village from the mission team and began speaking to them. The young men quickly found a translator to interpret between the missionaries and the locals. The translator informed the two missionaries that they wanted to drink rum with them. They took the opportunity to share the gospel with the men and two of them accepted Christ.