NicaNews 12/24

It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself!

On the eve of my 62nd Christmas my heart is full of joy and excitement.  My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour as I look deep into my soul to remember many of those Christmas Days.  I think about one many years ago on Hill 37 in Vietnam, a young man sitting in a foxhole late at night and thinking about all the festivities back in the states.  Little did I know some 40+ years later I would be in the parking lot at Wal-Mart giving gifts to complete strangers. 

I’m most thankful tonight for the gift of GOD’S amazing grace that was given to me more than 35 years ago.  Little did I know that day in Gatlinburg, Tennessee what God had in store for me, but I can truly say it has been an amazing journey.

     Pam and I just began our twelfth year of service in Nicaragua.  We thank GOD for all that we have seen GOD do over the past 11 years and are very excited about what He is going to do in us and through us in 2012.  We ask that you continue to pray for us and the dear people of Nicaragua.  We will be praying for you and look forward to seeing you in Somotillo very soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace among men in whom He is well pleased.  Luke 2:14 ESV

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Raise funds for Nicaragua and go christmas shopping too!

Help feed Nicaragua

                   Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
–Matthew 28:16-20

Help raise money for Nicaragua by purchasing Longaberger Products. All proceeds will go directly to distributing food and clothing; and helping to build homes, schools, churches and clinics for the people of Nicaragua. In order for us to raise the funds, all orders my be placed on our website:  Thank you for helping us! Please forward this email to friends who might like Longaberger as well.

Regular Products may be purchased 24/7 on the website. If you have specific questions about products, you may call Tammy at 540-353-2292.

Each week there are specials that we will email to you. Please place your order directly on the site with your shipping address and credit card info. Orders will be shipped directly to you!

This week’s Specials

Not too late to order Christmas Gifts!

Order today, December 21 and get half price Priority Shipping!

to shop!

You may also host Catalog/Cyber Shows with your friends so that you can:
Raise Money for Because We Care Ministries
Earn Free Products for your own home

Call 540-353-2292 and speak with Tammy about how to do this.
Your orders need to be over $150 of our regular products and cannot include the
“Tuesday or Wednesday” Specials.

Thank You!

Please remember to load you BWCM/Kroger gift card also! For every dollar spent we receive 5% to support our work in Nicaragua. You can be a blessing to someone today by shopping at Kroger and support BWCM at the same time!

To learn about Because We Care Ministries, visit our website at:
Because We Care Ministries | P. O. Box 21806 | Roanoke | VA | 24018

Nica News – 12/18

Isaiah 61

 1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me,
   because the LORD has anointed me
to bring good news to the poor;[a]
   he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
to proclaim liberty to the captives,
   and the opening of the prison to those who are bound

     So very thankful on this morning for the opportunities that GOD has put before me.  Because of HIS amazing GRACE we can face every challenge with excitement and peace knowing that the victory is HIS.  I will say that as we come to the end of 2011 it hasn’t been without it’s challenges and difficulties.  We always remind our missions teams,  there is a reason  Paul wrote in Ephesians 6 about putting on the whole armor of GOD, we forget that we are in Spiritual Warfare and the enemy is not going to let the road be easy.
     2011 was and exciting year for Pam and I as BWCM began to change directions and we were able to be more involved in the work in Nicaragua.  We are VERY thankful for all the teams that joined us in serving the people of Nicaragua, thankful for all the pastors that helped with the training center, thankful for the provisions that helped to meet the needs of thousands of locals.  A very special Thank You to all our friends, both churches and individuals, that supported us financially in 2011.  It’s very easy to say that where  GOD leads HE provides and HE does but it’s another thing to take that next step and you helped us to do that.
     2012 looks to be just as exciting as GOD continues to fill the calendar with teams, many that have served with us in the past an several that will travel to Nicaragua for the first time.  Our pastor training is already scheduled for the first 3 months both in Nicaragua and Honduras.  I was approached last month by the president of the Nicaragua Baptist Convention about teaching in other parts of the country.  That’s truly something we will have to pray about and seek God’s will and guidance.  Because of the generosity of MANY the construction of the clinic will start back after Christmas and with much prayer be completed in 2012.  This past year the training center went through an amazing transformation due to the technical support of many.  This next year we will continue to seek out people here in the states with agricultural back grounds to support that work and continue the training of the nationals.
      Our promise to you in 2012 is to continue to be faithful to our call and obedient to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.  Pam and I simply ask that you continue to pray for us on a daily bases and remember, It’s All About Jesus…..MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Shop for Chritmas and raise funds for Nicaragua!


Help feed Nicaragua

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
–Matthew 28:16-20

Help raise money for Nicaragua by purchasing Longaberger Products. All proceeds will go directly to distributing food and clothing; and helping to build homes, schools, churches and clinics for the people of Nicaragua. In order for us to raise the funds, all orders my be placed on our website: or click the “Shop Now” buttons and order from the flyer. Either way it will help raise funds for Because we Care Ministries!  Thank you for helping us! Please forward this email to friends who might like Longaberger as well.

Regular Products may be purchased 24/7 on the website. If you have specific questions about products, you may call Tammy at 540-353-2292.

Each week there are specials that we will email to you. Please place your order directly on the site with your shipping address and credit card info. Orders will be shipped directly to you!

Order by December 15 to guarantee
Delivery by Christmas! 


Daily  Specials-see the day / time at top of each Ad! 


You may also host Catalog/Cyber Shows with your friends so that you can:
Raise Money for Because We Care Ministries
Earn Free Products for your own home

Call 540-353-2292 and speak with Tammy about how to do this.
Your orders need to be over $150 of our regular products and cannot include the
“Tuesday or Wednesday” Specials.

Thank You!

Please remember to load you BWCM/Kroger gift card also! For every dollar spent we receive 5% to support our work in Nicaragua. You can be a blessing to someone today by shopping at Kroger and support BWCM at the same time!

To learn about Because We Care Ministries, visit our website at:
Because We Care Ministries | P. O. Box 21806 | Roanoke | VA | 24018

Nica News 12/8

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all…….

Jesus says, “If you obey my commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed My Father’s commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.
You are my friends if you do what I command.”

 A few months ago we started out on an adventure with God seeking funding for the medical clinic in Somotillo, Nicaragua.  Let me remind you that we have a family that is offering to give BWCM $20,000.00 towards the completion of the clinic if we can match that amount by the end of December.  It is with great joy that I report to you today that we are 3/4 of the way there and pledges are still coming in.  Praise the LORD and thank you for supporting this effort towards the completion of the clinic.  Last week we met with the President of the Nicaragua convention and Pastor Diomedes to discuss the daily operation of the clinic.  You will be very pleased to know that Dr Briones will be joining the advisory board as well.  In my last conversation with the construction team, it was confirmed that work will begin as early as two weeks from today.  I can only imagine what the clinic will accomplish for the GLORY of GOD.

I also wanted to share with you that we have raised over $4,000.00 for “Manna Fest.”  With that said we will be able to provide food for over 400 families during Christmas….  PRAISE GOD …. We will continue to receive donations for Manna Fest until 12/15. 

Once again Pam and I thank you with all our heart for supporting this ministry and the work that GOD is doing through us.  In His Service, Donald and Pammie

Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 12/1

“The heart of a man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Many times we have plans and ideas of how things will work and then God has plans that are so far beyond ours. Today I watched a man fully understand this biblical concept. Today we helped Hidalio, the pastor of Principe De Paz Church and his church members, as they served the city of Somotillo. All year long we have been training the pastors from this area and we have always talked about “being the church”. We have encouraged them to get outside of the four walls of the church and engage their communities. We have talked about being servant leaders and the value of loving people the way that Jesus did. Then this Wednesday, at the last pastors conference of the year, we asked for prayer requests before we prayed. Hidalio asked that we pray for his church to fulfill this commission to “be the church” and he asked specifically for God to raise up 12 people to go and engage the city of Somotillo. That simple request was all it took. We began to think and dream and we came up with an idea. One of the members of the team had brought some firefighting gear to donate to the local fire station. So we gathered up that gear, invited the police department, the fire department, and the Mayor’s office and staff to join us for lunch at Rancho Katin. Within 24 hours of the prayer request 14 (not 12) people from Principe De Paz volunteered to come and serve, we grabbed a few people just to cook, and off we went to build relationships and engage the community. The program was to begin at 10:00 with a presentation of the gear and then lunch. At 10:00 nobody had shown up. 10:30 we had 1 person there. That is when Hidalio began to get nervous and have some second thoughts. So we prayed! At 11:00 we had 14 local leaders who showed up for the lunch! 4 from the police station, 4 from the fire department, and 4 from the local mayor’s office and 2 from the local TV station! Yes, I said TV. The entire lunch was recorded for the local television where over 6,000 people will be able to see Principe De Paz being the church! To quote the late great coach Jim Valvano, “Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” God is on his throne and is able to do BIG things. We learned, just like Elijah did on Mount Carmel, that if you stick your neck out there for God, he will always provide. So whatever you are struggling with today, whatever you have been waiting on for so long, whatever it is that you are thinking about quitting, don’t. God is still there and his plans for you are good.

“Now to him who is able to do far. More abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever, Amen.”. Ephesians 3:20-21

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News Nov 30

     We have had another amazing day on the mission field today. We started  bright and early with Alice sharing a devotion to encourage us not to grow weary in doing good. After breakfast burritos we headed outside at the Casa to work on the chicken house and the fields. We tilled, planted and fenced until lunch, while some of the girls chopped vegetables  to cook in the village. Janet even got the girls to use a little elbow grease to straighten up the rooms at the Casa while the other ladies were working outside. After lunch we packed the truck with candy and flip flops and headed up the road to El Platanal. What a fun village! The children were happy to have their nails painted and to color pictures. The nurse saw many people that needed medical help. We cooked a big pot of chicken, rice and vegetables and filled their bowls and their tummies. We also filled their hearts with Jesus. When we got back we all got to help our team mate, Teresa,  celebrate her birthday in Nicaragua. She got to experience  a Nica birthday tradition of having a raw egg busted on her head topped with a cup of flour. Then we enjoyed chocolate birthday cake with banana icing. God is doing amazing things in Nicaragua!! Continue to pray for our team as we finish out our week.
      Tomorrow part of the team will join a team from Principle De Paz Baptist church and serve the community of Somotillo.  The city started a volunteer fire department, one of the members of our team brought in some equipment to give to them.  We will be cooking and serving lunch to the Fire Dept., Police Dept. and Mayors office.  Nica church learning to engage the community and “Be the Church.  God is so Good and the Kingdom grew some more today.  Thank you LORD
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News Nov 28

Today in Nicaragua we started out our day with devotion time, led by Shawn. Then, Emma, Jennifer and Miranda shared their testimony on the radio. After that, the pastors taking seminary with Chris and Donald came for their classes. They also brought their wives to speak and spend time in the word with some of the ladies on the team, while  the other  team members  worked on the chicken coop at Casa De Shelly. After the pastors and wives  left  we all came together to eat lunch. After lunch,we headed to a village called San Miguelito, we brought a nurse with us to provide medical help to the village, played with the children, fed everyone, and shared the gospel.  When we prayed almost ten kids accepted Christ. We left the village and came back to the casa this afternoon. After cooling off and getting cleaned up (washing off our blessings, as Donald says), some of the team visited the market. There we toured and got a ride back to the casa on a pedi-taxi. While others stayed back and worked some more on the chicken coop. And that’s what we have accomplished here in Somotillo, Nicaragua today! God bless you!

Matthew 4:19
“Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – 11/27

     Today I think we can safely say we experienced one long “God Moment”.  The day began with a walk around the compound as we heard of all the accomplishments that have taken place here.  We all stood amazed at how God truly is everywhere  no matter what country we are in.  He has his people everywhere and we can see Him if we are watching.  We can hear Him if we are listening.  He wants to communicate with His people.  His sheep know His voice and they won’t listen to any other we are told in John 10.  Gods Word is the same no matter what language or country we are in.  It reads the same everywhere.  His love is the same everywhere.  We felt His love and for the people.  We saw the needs being met as He allowed us to be His hands and feet.
     This afternoon we had our first “Pastors Graduation.”  It truly was amazing to watch these men parade into the church and receive their certificates.  Pam and I are very thankful to the many men of God that have taken time out of their busy schedules to come to Nicaragua and invest in the ministry of these 16 men.  I look forward to seeing what God does through them in their church as we continue to sow into them next year.
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Shop Now and raise funds for Manna Fest 2011!

Host: Donald Gillette
Closing Date: 11/21/2011
The Longaberger Fall and Winter collections are beautiful. To join my online party, click the “Shop Now” button below.
We are collecting orders to raise funds for Manna Fest 2011. You can go Christmas Shopping and help feed the people of Nicaragua at the same time. If you would like to help out click “Shop Now” and go shopping. Dated upcoming specials are below also. All profits will go to Manna Fest. Blessings….Donald

Help feed Nicaragua

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

–Matthew 28:16-20

This week’s Specials


The Small Classic Laundry Basket is just perfect for toting gifts or as a gift itself –
it’s sure to be a holiday favorite!
This online exclusive includes a protector with basket purchase.

 store guest towels, sheets, or extra blankets 
use as ice chest 
collect dirty laundry until wash time 
store recyclables  use as toy basket 
collect outgrown or unworn clothing to hand down or give to BWCM
holds firewood  makes great gift center for party, tie helium balloons to one handle 
store gift wrapping supplies 
 fill with stuffed animals 
store clothing to be mended 
holds sewing or knitting patterns and fabric or yarn 
store quilt in progress 
use two, one for his clothes and one for hers
or one for kids’ clothes and one for adults
store magazines and catalogs 
store books, especially library books 
holds shoes by door 
store games 
keep in back of car to secure grocery bags on way home from store 
 keep towels near pool 
leave in car to hold jackets, raincoats, umbrellas, etc. 
carry sandals and beach toys, leave out Protector and sand will go right through 
bob for apples in fall 
holds backpacks and lunch bags 
carry gifts to holiday celebrations

Monthly Features

You may also host Catalog/Cyber Shows with your friends so that you can:
Raise Money for Because We Care Ministries
Earn Free Products for your own home

Call 540-353-2292 and speak with Tammy about how to do this.
Your orders need to be over $150 of our regular products and cannot include the
“Tuesday or Wednesday” Specials.

Thank You!

Please remember to load you BWCM/Kroger gift card also! For every dollar spent we receive 5% to support our work in Nicaragua. You can be a blessing to someone today by shopping at Kroger and support BWCM at the same time!

To learn about Because We Care Ministries, visit our website at:

Because We Care Ministries | P. O. Box 21806 | Roanoke | VA | 24018