Nica News 7-27

We are truly amazed to see God’s presence at the progress that has been made on this house in just three days.  With just concrete and footings when we approached the job site today, 3 hours later, the steel structure was in place and it looks like the outline of a house!
Interestingly enough, the youngest daughter of the family – for whom we are building the house – immediately approached and asked for a Bible. Although we didn’t have one with us today (we had other tools for building, but not a Bible), we became determined to find her a Spanish bible before we leave town.  As the door was now opened, this gave us the opportunity to ask her if she has heard the Gospel message and accept Jesus Christ as her Savior. We were pleased to know that she has.
While the house framework was going up and the concrete blocks were being transported to the job site, the Virginia team’s Woman’s Conference had a most successful day ministering to a record high number of 41 women. It was only after the conference, where the vehicle didn’t cooperate and alternative transportation was arranged for them to get home.
After lunch, the team traveled to Jicaro Bonito to minister to the village people. This became more challenging as the rain moved in and poured harder and harder with every passing moment.  Luckily, we took refuge in the local church to weather the roughest part and we were able to do inside “rainy day” crafts with the village children.  Concerns about the road conditions caused us to leave that mission field early, but hopefully, some seeds of love were planted.


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-26

Today was another great day on the Mission field.  We started off with morning devotions led by Janell, a Kansas missionary.  After breakfast, Lauren, Brittany, Addison and Gwen gave their testimonies on the radio along with song by the group.  The missionaries again split up into two teams and one went to Pascuala and continued working on the house for the family, with the other group leading the 2nd day of the Women’s Conference in Ojoche.  The conference started out in song and worship with 21 ladies showing up to eagerly study God’s word.  They studied Philippians 3: 13-14.  After lunch we loaded the trucks with blessings of food, candy and clothes and went to Jinocuao.  While we cooked a pot of stew, the team broke up into groups and played with the children, some played soccer, some threw water balloons and some painted finger nails and did hair.  Several presented the gospel in small groups.  Tonight is the Youth Rally at Prince of Peace Baptist Church and all the missionaries are participating! God is blessing; keep us in your prayers as we continue ministering and watching the Kingdom grow.


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-25

Greetings from the mission field in Nicaragua!
     Today was our first full day in Somotillo. We have two teams present; one from Virginia and the other from Kansas. This morning we had three people give their testimonies on the radio with a special singing. After the radio, the women from Virginia went to the village of El Ojoche and held a women’s conference. This was an amazing opportunity for the women to come together and worship God. We had singing and a study led by Kim Mitchell. This is the first of three women conferences that we will hold this week. The women were very attentive and excited to be with us.
While the Virginia team was doing the women’s conference, the Kansas team and the men from the Virginia team went to Pascuala to build a house for a family. Many of the villagers came and joined in the work. The footers are dug out and are ready for concrete.
After lunch, the entire team went to the village of La Fragua. There team members ministered using their various abilities, with everything from nail painting, to balloons, to soccer. Then the community shared a meal that was prepared by the team. Donald preached the Gospel and several adults received Christ.
Looks like another great week on the mission field is shaping up!

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-22

      Blessings from Casa De Shelly……Great last day in Somotillo for our Ga. missionaries.  We did give the team a little break this morning and let them sleep in until 7 AM.  I’m not getting soft, they just don’t make missionaries like they use too.   Team rallied this afternoon for a quick trip to El Ojoche to engage and encounter.  By the end of the week you pretty much just wind them up and let them go.  Team members find their little niche in the villages so when the truck stops they jump out and begin to serve.
     When we have our final “God Moments” it is always amazing to see just how much the team has grown and also their desire to continue in Holy Boldness when they get home.  This team was no exception as every member experienced many first in their lives.  100% of these team members now can say they have verbalized their faith and experienced many “first” in their walk with Christ to the Glory of God.  Once again a team will leave having received much more than they gave.  Off to Managua with this team and pick up our team from VA. and Kansas.  Thank you Lord for a great week.  IHL, Donald and Pammie


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-21

     Our day started out by being blessed with Trey & Taylor’s tag team devotion before breakfast followed by Darlene’s testimony at the Radio station.  Brother Donald preached about obedience.  The whole Zion Hill team has stepped out in faith this week, being obedient to God’s direction by allowing him to use us as tools and following his command in Acts 1:8.  We all have grown in our walk with the Lord and pray that we take our boldness back to the states. 
We’ve made a new family in Christ this week.  Trey received a friendship bracelet from a new Nicaraguan friend, Noehmi.  Her mother, Tia Maria has been our interpreter for the week, correcting our language mistakes and taking care of us in many ways.  The Gillette’s have had their hands full initiating a new team of “Gringo” missionaries!  Brother Donald has taken Trey “under his wing” teaching him how to hatch eggs.  It’s been an awesome & full week at the Casa De Shelly training center.
This morning, we visited a local 2-room public school, giving out bags filled with pencils, crayons, stuffed animals, beach ball and candy.  Darlene and Vanity, being teachers from Hall County, Georgia, were very interested in the conditions of the classroom.  They loved hearing the Nicaragua children say they loved going to school – -so different from what is heard from the school kids in the states!
In the afternoon, we traveled to La Flor to minister to the people of the village.  Darlene, unexpectedly, visited the “el bano” while the rest of the team continued to spread the word.  Today, as well as this week, seeds of salvation have been planted.  God ask us to go….we answered “here I am Lord send me”, now he will water! 
We will each go home changed, with different experiences, different “God moments”, and different stories to share and a new boldness.  What an awesome week!

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – 7-20

Today, the team discovered the meaning of Travel sickness.  Due to heat, change of diet and change of environment both Darlene & Pam experienced travel sickness.  Darlene woke up sick about 4:30 in the morning and had to stay behind from the morning trip.  However, determination and empowerment from God allowed her to lead our morning devotion.  Pam gave her testimony on the Principe De Paz Radio Station.  She later interrupted the morning trip by letting “things” fly out the back of the truck (if you know what I mean!).  However, regardless of the rocky start, we hit the road and traveled to Las Limones & Casa Blanca to “throw” out candy & food to the villages.  The people were blessed, Pam got to feeling better and Darlene was on the mend at Casa De Shelly.
The afternoon, all was well, everyone gathered in the back of the truck loaded with shampoo, soap, hand lotions, toothpaste/toothbrushes and food packs traveling to Santa Cruz, located 17 km on a good road then 10 km, on a rough, rough (did I say rough?) volcanic road!!  At Santa Cruz we were met with angelic smiles of appreciation.  The Santa Cruz village was feed spiritually & physically.  We also found out that they listen to Principe de Paz radio station.  They had heard Taylor sing and each of us give our testimony.  Games were played, nails were polished, Frisbees thrown, bubbles blown, salvation bracelets made and above all the plan of salvation was shared.  Not sure how many souls were saved but we did hear the prayer prayed and seeds were planted.
The day may have started out rocky but the devil didn’t win and God was victorious in not only in their lives but in the lives of the Zion Hill Baptist Church team!  God is Good! – -all the time!
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-19

Today was amazing in Nicaragua.  There are so many “firsts” that occurred for me and two of my children today.  They definitely left a lasting impression.  Before we left Casa de Shelly this morning, my son, Trey was given a bracelet by Noami.  She made this bracelet specifically for him.  He expressed that it made him happy and grateful that she would take the time to do something for him.   We started the day by going to the radio station.  My daughter, Taylor, sang “Our God” and I gave my testimony for the very first time ever!  After we left the radio station, we went out with Emily and the other members of our Zion Hill Baptist Church team to meet some of the children that our church is sponsoring for school.  What a humbling experience that was.  Erica was one of the girls that we visited and she was incredibly grateful as well as her grandmother.  I have never been one that is comfortable with praying aloud and in a group of people, but God told me that I needed to pray for this young lady and her grandmother.  I was obedient.  Another house that we went to visit was the home of a young man named Obi.  He made the biggest impression on Taylor.  Before he would come out and talk with us, he went back in to bathe and change clothes.  This may not sound like a big deal to people in the U.S., but when you don’t have running water, it’s huge.  He told his mother that he saw a pretty young lady and wanted to clean up for her. 
Another first that occurred today was that my son Trey, who is 11, blessed our meal for lunch.  What a blessing for me to hear him give thanks aloud.  We visited the village of Pascuala this afternoon.  I almost am too overwhelmed for words.  We made butterflies out of coffee filters, magic markers and pipe cleaners with the children.  Emily, Pam, and Taylor worked with the children on this project while Darlene and I painted fingernails for the ladies and little girls.  To see the smiles on these faces is a feeling that could never be expressed.  Trey interacted with the boys in the village by throwing a Frisbee around with them.  It didn’t matter that we didn’t speak the same language.  Trey also helped Donald in cooking the meal for the village.  We handed out Silly Bands to the children and you would have thought we were passing out money!  As we lined the people of Pascuala up to receive their meal, I blessed the meal for them without hesitation.  The line looked as if it wasn’t going to end, and it reminded me of the Bible story where Jesus fed the 5000.  Never once was I afraid of running out of food.  I just somehow knew that there was going to be enough, and there was.  As we were leaving the village we stopped and prayed for one of the men in the village who has a piece of wood stuck in his eye.  How humbling….the inside of their home has dirt floors and they were sharing it with baby ducks.  We have barns and stables in the U.S. that is nicer than this home.  Donald is helping this man get to a doctor soon so that he doesn’t lose his sight.  What a blessing for me to witness such unselfishness.  As we walked out of the house, there was a little girl named Claudia.  This little girl is 12 years old and she said no to accepting Christ into her heart.  My prayer is that anyone reading this will stop and pray for conviction on her heart to accept Christ. 
I can’t express or put into words how my heart feels right now.  There are no words.  I have laughed, cried and been heart-broken at some of the things that I have seen over the past couple of days.  I am proud to say that being here has made me grown tremendously with my own walk with God.  I know that I can do all things fearlessly because of God.  I am already in anticipation of coming back next year!! God Bless to all.
Vanity Hall


Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7-18

Blessings….. only a day late.  I have to admit that I was just tooooooo tired after the Leadership training.

     Yesterday was filled with lots of first with team members stepping out of their comfort zone and praying in public and sharing the Gospel.  Once again we  had a beautician in the village cutting hair.  While she was cutting hair the ladies also got a manicure.  It’s so neat watching the ladies being pampered knowing the hard life that they live.
     While the beauty shop was open the team members actually handed out dresses to many of the ladies and young girls that were made from pillow cases and brought in by the team from Gainesville Ga.  Can’t remember when I have seen so many smiling faces.
     Last evening we began our training with 25 leaders from Prince of Peace Baptist Church.  I think everyone left knowing that we can’t continue to do business as usual and that the leadership team needs to step up and LEAD, FOLLOW or GET out of the way.  I think the  posing question is, ” what did you do when the body got sick”?  It will be interesting to see how many return tonight.
    When the village was ask why the missionaries come, the answer was simple, “because we are hungry.”  IHL, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News 7/16

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45 

Blessings from Casa De Shelly on a verrrrrry rainy Sat. Night.  Storms started about 4 PM this afternoon and rained verrrrrry hard until about 6:30 PM.  It’s just that time of the year and it doesn’t seem to bother anyone except maybe the North Americans and they aren’t bothered to much.
In looking at this passage this morning I couldn’t help but pray for the 100+ missionaries that will be coming to Nicaragua to SERVE over the next couple of months.  Lots of things planned but nothing more important than just being obedient to the Holy Spirit and that will lead down the path of service.  Pam and I are praying that we will be the instrument in God’s hand, in God’s time to teach this very simple principle to the local church.  A large portion on our leadership training next  week will be on servant hood and teaching the church leaders HOW to walk in the scriptures just as we teach our visiting missionaries.
Sharing some pictures of the new digs Angel and I built for our ever increasing chicken family.  Just getting started brought back lots of bad memories.  Years ago when I wanted to do something around the house there were no tools to work with.  My 2 son’s seemed to be able to misplace tools quicker  than I could replace them.  Started out looking for our skill saw, nobody at Casa De Shelly knew anything about it.  All the stores were closed today because one of the national politicians was in town.  Me with all my patience just got in the truck and took my lovely wife on a quick trip to Chinendaga.  At this point it had become a mission even if I had to drive all the way back to Managua.  God spared us that journey and we got what we needed and returned to begin construction.  One thing I always try to teach our teams is that you have to be flexible on the mission field.  Today I got to practice a lot of what I preach.  IHL, Donald and Pammie 

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – 7-15

      1 Chronicles 4:10,  “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that Thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that Thine hand might be with me, and that Thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.” The prayer is composed of four parts. First, Jabez asks God to bless him. Second, he asks God to enlarge his territory or increase his responsibility. Third, he prays that God will be with him and stay close. Lastly, Jabez asks that God keep him from harm so that he will be free from pain.
I have to admit that I think about this prayer often as GOD directs our steps and uses us to fulfill HIS purpose HERE in Nicaragua.  Years ago I ask GOD to “enlarge my coast” and little did I know that I would become a chicken farmer.  Over the past 24 hours I have spent a lot more time in studying about chickens than I have in prepping for the leadership training that begins on Monday.  With all that said I’m thankful that we have now turned the corner on production and are about ready to begin training in many of the local villages.
Really excited about the teams that are coming in to do VBS in many villages, start work on another new house in Pascuala and the Ag students from VT that will be working with some students from  the Baptist School and the folks here at the training center.  Seeking your prayers as its going to be a very busy month here in Nicaragua and excited to watch The Kingdom Grow.  IHS, Donald and Pammie
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018