Nica News – February 4th

Because We Care Ministries (BWCM) has a great opportunity that we
wanted to share with everyone.  We have a BWCM supporter who has
offered to buy 1 chicken for every chicken that is purchased between
now and March 13th.  So if you will buy 1 chicken, BWCM gets 2
chickens… if you buy 5 chickens, BWCM gets 10 chickens… if you buy a
dozen chickens, BWCM gets two dozen chickens… you get the idea. 
Chickens cost $8 each so please consider buying some chickens today as
a way to serve the Lord through Because We Care Ministries’ new and
exciting farm program which will help the people of Nicaragua be more
self sufficient over time. 

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – January 19th

      Good morning and blessings to all…..I can honestly say,” We are Blessed.”  Pammie got the pathology reports back and everything is negative.  At this point she has regained her strength and is doing fine, thank you Christian Family for your prayers and support. 

     Feb 7th marks another GIANT step in the work of BWCM.  Good LORD willing we will begin “Bible Studies” with 10 chosen men at Casa De Shelly.  We are very thankful that Dr Bill Ashford from FBC Roanoke, Dr Chris Dowd from Bedrock Community Church and Dr Donald Gillette from BWCM will be leding this first class.  I have known for a long time that we needed to invest in the PASTORS,  that they might grow and become stronger leaders and more FAITHFUL men of GOD.  We have begun to build a very full schedule of teaching and training for these chosen men to the GLORY OF GOD.  I will be contacting other Pastors and teachers in the coming days to see if GOD is calling them to help with the teaching and mentoring.

     Also on Feb 7th the first of the 25 families that have been chosen to work in the program of “Survival and Sustaining” at Casa De Shelly will begin their training.  A lot has happened at  Casa De Shelly over the past 4 months and we are now ready to take the “Next Step.”  We are beginning to see MANY PRAYERS answered as God has led us into an area where we can teach the people of Nicaragua to support themselves. PRAISE THE LORD

     We ask that you continue to pray for the work as I’m very sure there are still many obstacles and hurdles to overcome.  There has already been many battles to get to this point and I would never be so naive or intellectually dishonest as to think we have arrived.  I’m reminded everyday that we are in a “Spiritual War” and that  keeps Pam and I focused on The Lord Jesus Christ that gives us the VICTORY…..In His Love, Donald and Pam

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – January 8th

      Good morning and Blessings from Managua, Nicaragua.  Well the first team of the year is on it’s way home after an unbelievable week of ministry and service.  As the base team had the opportunity to serve more than  150 Pastor’s and several villages the “Extreme Team” shared the Gospel in villages that missionaries had never been.  The base team helped on the farm and was there to see the first fruit products head to market.  I will say that the fruit didn’t make it past the driveway as the team purchased all the fruit so they could distribute it in the villages.  Hard to explain how exciting it is to see the farm become productive and offer so many opportunities for training and support for the local villagers.

     Beginning Monday morning several Pastors and church members will travel to Somotillo to help with the construction of the new building for the radio station on “The Mountain of Prayer.”  It’s been our hearts desire for several years to see the “Nica Church” serve the community and “Be The Church.”   I’m so excited to see these men LEAD their congregations and can only imagine what God will do through them.  “BLESSINGS FOLLOW OBEDIENCE”    In His Love, Donald and Pammie
Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

Nica News – January 6th

The Extreme Team is back!  We are pleased and thankful to have the team back at Casa. They’re exhausted considering they’ve been on foot for 4 days and they started their journey up the mountain at 3 this morning. But their spirits are high.  Plenty of stories to tell, but one of the team highlights occurred today El Bareador. The team was the 1st missionary group to visit the area, made up of approximately 25 families.  They were able to install a solar powered audio Bible (“Proclaimer”) and provide tracts to the people there. Members of the team hope to return again next year to encourage the folks there.

The Casa team split into smaller groups today.  Several folks headed to Villa Camila Ortega to prepare and serve lunch at a pastor’s conference.  The on-site crew landscaped a bit, tending newly planted trees and mulching using peanut husks.  They also spent some time working with the children just outside the Casa gate.  It was great to re-connect with them again, as we had met many of them earlier in the week.
The Casa team headed to Ojoche this afternoon.  What a treat!  This community has been in partnership with BWCM for several years and it was exciting to see what’s happening there.  As we entered the community, it was strikingly clean. Hand made signs encourage locals to “care for your community” and, as simple as it might seem, feature scripture that emphasize stewardship and appropriate care of local resources (Deut. 23:12-14).  The pastor there has helped establish a program for residents to raise chickens, rabbits, and gardens locally. It was especially encouraging to visit Ojoche on our last day here as it is becoming a model for other communities to follow.  Inspiring!
And, lastly, we were blessed to have Sarah’s entire family come in this evening to sing.  She has recently joined the BWCM team and is training as an interpreter.  She, her sisters, brother, parents, brothers-in-law, and boyfriend sang beautifully.  (We secretly wonder if the spouses are required to be musicians to be in the family 🙂  God bless the Martinez family and their ministry!
We head back to Managua tomorrow… then catch flights back to the U.S. on Saturday.  Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement this week!




Nica News – January 5th

Grace & Peace to you from Casa de Shelly!

Our team has had a variety of opportunities to serve this week.  On Tuesday, the Extreme Team and the base camp crew met in the village of San Francisco.  BWCM is supporting a church plant effort there and it was such a blessing to meet and fellowship with some of the people there.  Lunch was served and clothing was distributed during our visit.
The road trip to and from San Francisco was breathtaking, both in beauty and in off-road excitement.  The road was largely single lane, dirt (gravel), and it is used by travelers on foot, ox cart, and vehicles.  The road followed the contours of the lush, green mountains along Nicaragua’s northern border.  Beautiful!
Upon the return to Casa at 3:30, we heard Don proclaim, “5 minutes to clean up and load up. We’re headed to Pascuala!” We’re so thankful we did.  Fantastic opportunity to share God’s love through games, songs, a good dinner, and a good message.
God has built a tremendous support team here at Casa.  The folks who work here year-round have enthusiasm and joy that’s hard to match.  We have so enjoyed learning from them and working along side them this week.  The interpreters are simply…amazing!  We had the distinct pleasure last night of listening to a few of them sing.  Absolutely beautiful way to end a great day.
Today (Wednesday) is action packed as well with the daily radio testimonies broadcast in the morning, working on the farm here at Casa, preparing lunch for a pastor’s conference, and another village visit.
We covet your prayers this week!  God keep you-





Nica News – January 4th

      Good morning and blessings from Casa De Shelly……….Great day of ministry starting with a powerful radio broadcast.  It’s always great to listen to the testimony of our team members and hear what is going on in the life of others.   After radio we did volley ball at the clinic and just spent a little time engaging the community and sharing Jesus.  Mid morning we began preparing lunch for pastors that were meeting at Prince of Peace Baptist Church.  Thankful for the opportunity to share a challenge with the pastors and Pastor Owen from Bethany UMC West Jefferson NC spent time encouraging the pastors.  Early afternoon found us in San Miguelito engaging, feeding and sharing the good new of Jesus Christ.     Today we travel to San Francisco North to meet, resupply and feed the “Extreme Team” and share the gospel in a city we are seeking to plant a new church.  Later today we will meet with the first 25 people that will begin training here at the farm and learn how to sustain life and provide for their family.  What an exciting day, praying for God’s Provision and Protection,  IHL, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018




Nica News – January 1st

     Blessings from Managua Nicaragua as Pam and I await the arrival of our first team of the year.  It’s official, 2011 has arrived and I guess we are in full swing.  This I do know, that several hundred Nicaraguans celebrated to around 2AM this morning and it was very loud.  We will put the team to bed early and CRASH….

     Tomorrow we will worship at The Fathers House, lunch at Los Ranchos then travel on to Somotillo.  Dinner at Casa De Shelly,  then worship at Prince of Peace Baptist Church.  I can already tell, it’s going to be an amazing beginning to a mission trip.

     As we say good -bye to 2010 and hello to 2011 allow me a  personnel privilege to express our heart felt thanks and gratitude to the many that God has allowed to cross out path as we serve here in Nicaragua.  We are very thankful for the prayers and financial support that we have received through the years and for all those that have partnered with us in bringing teams in to serve with the Nicaraguan Church.

     Pam and I have tried to communicate the plans that God has for BWCM for 2011 and beyond if HE delays HIS return.  Monday we will continue to implement those plans and lead this first team in accomplishing the first step in this progression.

      We are still looking for financial support for the coming year.  A couple months ago we unveiled plans to begin full time work here in Nicaragua.  To accomplish this goal we needed to enlist 40 monthly supporter at $100.00.  We are very thankful for the first 11 that have committed and only need 29 more to fulfill this part of our goal.  We need to enlist several more teams to join us in service here in Nicaragua.  Please share with families and friends the opportunities that are available by joining with BWCM on a short term mission trip.  Pam and I are willing to travel anywhere to share what God has allowed us to do and help  individuals and CHURCHES to fulfill, “The Great Commission.”

      Please join us in prayer that these goals are reached very quickly so that we can remove them from our plate and concentrate on the goals set before us.
                               In His Love, Donald and Pammie

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

July 2nd Update

Another glorious day on the Mission Field has passed:  good works were performed, children laughed, prayers prayed, gospel shared, and our Lord magnified!  The team began the day at Pascuala.  The ladies on the team entertained the children and women of the village with games, bubbles, songs; while the men on our mission team worked diligently on hauling  rocks and other material to deposit inside the village where water does not readily drain and eventually creates stagnant water and unhealthy conditions within the village.  More work remains but hopefully will be continued by future teams.

In the afternoon the team headed out to Villa Esperzana with a medical team, supplies, and eager folks ready to  help.  After a time of play, sharing the gospel and blessings – members of the village and Mission team traveled to the Grande Alto River for a Baptism. Two men and one woman participated in this public profession of their faith. This is proof that lives are being changed and God’s presence is undeniable.

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

June 29th Update

Today was an awesome day on the Mission Field.  The morning started with the radio show.  Six of the team had the privilege of sharing our testimonies with the people of Somotillo.  Josh, Katie, and Oscar ministered in song.

The team then went to village of Pascuala where the men worked to start a sidewalk into the village.  The women spent part of the time ministering to the children.  We performed a skit showing the children how we can accomplish much more for each other and for God if we work together.  The ladies painted the children’s fingernails, gave out stickers, and played games.  The older women of the village also enjoyed having their fingernails done and laughing at the fun their children were having.  The ladies also helped the women of the village and the children pick up rocks from the side of the road to assist with building the sidewalk.

During the afternoon, the team went to the village of Los Lemones.  We were able to take the doctor with us to the village where he provided medical care and medicines to approximately 30 families.  The team played several games with the children.  Diane ministered to the children with a skit about the miracle Jesus performed with the two fish and five loaves of bread.  Josh used a couple of the village children to demonstrate the sin of Adam and Eve and how Jesus came to provide a way for our salvation.  He lead the children in prayer and many of them raised their hands when asked if they had accepted Jesus as their Savior for the first time.

“Youth Rescue” was the highlight of our evening.  We had the opportunity to minister to approximately 80 youth from Somotillo.  The Lord’s presence was among us during the worship service. The team played games, shared snacks and ice cream with the youth of Somotillo.  Josh then led in an altar call.  Many of the youth prayed for salvation.

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018

June 28th Morning Update

The team arrived in Somotillo this morning excited and ready to get onto the mission field. We spent the afternoon in Jinochauo. Even though the heavens opened up and poured down rain off and on throughout  the whole afternoon, the team still had a great time playing soccer and with water balloons (we obviously weren’t wet enough from the rain…) and slingshots. Ed shared his testimony and presented the gospel, and then Josh prayed over the people who were suffering from various sicknesses. We spent a wonderful evening praising at the Prince of Peace church. The team members sang, and then Tom shared a message from God’s word. Two men came during the altar call and made decisions for the Lord. It was a full day on the mission field, and we’re excited about the blessings that God has in store for us tomorrow!

Dr and Mrs. Donald M Gillette
Because We Care Ministries, Inc.
P.O. Box 21806
Roanoke, VA. 24018